About Nemesis’ Vengance Map

Ladies and Gentlemen, feast your eyes upon the parkour spectacular that is Nemesis’ Vengance. Nemesis, the Greco-Roman goddess of vengeance has returned to wage war on humanity.


Nemesis’ Vengance Map Screenshots:

The Starting Area

The Starting Area

The Timer (As seen from the Observation Tower)

Primary Transition Area

An example of a GREEN level.

An example of an IRON level.

An example of a GOLD level.

An example of a Section-to-Section Transition Area

An example of a DIAMOND level.

An example of a NETHER BRICK level.

An example of an OBSIDIAN level.

The Boss Room Transition Area

The Boss Room



  • 1. Do not destroy any block unless told to.
  • 2. Play on Survival, Peaceful mode ONLY. (Using Creative to go back to a previous jump is allowed if you really hate restarting an entire level)
  • 3. All jumps are achievable (so if you don’t get it, keep trying, it can be done)
  • 4. Please do not use mods like TooManyItems or SinglePlayerCommands. (Rei’s minimap is recommended in one of the Diamond Levels… You’ll see why.)
  • 5. Diamonds are your score! Look for them, at any cost.
  • 6. Have Fun!

Optional: Beat the Clock! (Finish the game in the shortest time possible. Current record is: 99h:59m:59s, set by: Default)

Mod: Rei’s Minimap

Texture Pack:

Download links for Nemesis’ Vengance Map:



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