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Mod Types: Forge

Forge Mods are installations that modify the way the Minecraft game appears and operates. Obviously, this specific type of mod is only compatible with Minecraft Forge.

  • 51,521 views ❘ September 8, 2016Available for:

    Living Block Monsters Mod (1.12.2, 1.7.10) adds 14 block monsters to minecraft. This mod is all about... 

  • 70,408 views ❘ September 6, 2016Available for:

    Rideable Spiders Mod 1.7.10 allows you to tame and ride all the spiders. You can tame the spider with... 

  • 291,026 views ❘ August 30, 2016Available for:

    PaleoCraft Mod 1.7.10 is a SSP, SMP, and LAN mod for Minecraft, a 3D sandbox game. It aims to fill the... 

  • 216,632 views ❘ August 29, 2016Available for:

    The Voxel ModPack 1.7.10 is a set of client mods chosen specifically to assist users of multiplayer creative... 

  • 98,668 views ❘ August 28, 2016Available for:

    The Eternal Frost 2 Mod 1.7.10 adds the ability to teleport to another dimension which is have called... 

  • 437,031 views ❘ August 26, 2016Available for:

    More Enchantments Mod 1.7.10 adds 23 new unique and exciting enchantments. Each offering a unique perk... 

  • 405,653 views ❘ August 24, 2016Available for:

    iHouse Mod (1.7.10) adds instant buildings to Minecraft! iHouse Mod Current buildings: Birch Wood House Cave... 

  • 177,607 views ❘ August 18, 2016Available for:

    Flan’s Monolith Pack Mod 1.7.10. The main features includes fun new armor, like Erwin Rommel’s... 

  • 43,636 views ❘ August 15, 2016Available for:

    Multiplayer Commands Mod 1.7.10 is a mod aimed at providing command functionalities similar to those... 

  • 23,394 views ❘ August 14, 2016Available for:

    The Brony ModPack 1.7.10 is a set of client mods designed specifically to assist ponies on brony servers... 

  • 960,516 views ❘ August 13, 2016Available for:

    3D Gun Mod 1.7.10 adds 3D guns to enjoy in your Minecraft world and/or server. You can aim down the sights... 

  • 51,606 views ❘ August 1, 2016Available for:

    Creepers Plus Mod. Are vanila creepers too easy for you? if they are try this mod. This mod adds a few...