Minecraft Axolotl Seeds for Java Edition (PC/Mac)

Use one of these Minecraft Axolotl seeds to create a world where you spawn in a biome with axolotls in Java Edition 1.19 or 1.18.

In Minecraft, the axolotl is a type of mob that was introduced in the Caves & Cliffs Update. There are 5 different colors of axolotls and you can find axolotls swimming in the Lush Caves biome.

Here are some Axolotl seeds for Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac):

Axolotl Seeds for Minecraft Java Edition 1.19

Axolotl Seed #1

Seed: 521873

This Minecraft seed spawns you in the middle of a Swamp biome. Look around and you should be able to find some temperate frogs which are orange in color. And if you are looking for slimes, just wait until night and watch them spawn in the Swamp.

If you travel West to coordinates (-100,13,50), you will find a Lush Caves biome underground with axolotls swimming in the water. But be careful, there are also a few zombies roaming around the caves too.

Axolotl Seed #2

Seed: 4014

This Minecraft seed spawns you in the middle of a large Jungle biome with ocelots wandering around and a few parrots. If you travel to the East, you can find a Jungle Template at coordinates (240,75,16).

Undergound below you, there are also a few Lush Caves biomes, with one of the larger ones found at coordinates (24,77,64). In these Lush Caves, you will not only find axolotls and bats, but there are endermen and creepers too.

Axolotl Seed #3

Seed: 125

This MInecraft seed spawns you in the middle of a Bamboo Jungle on an island where you might find a panda. If you travel to the other side of the island, you can find a Sparse Jungle with lots of pigs, sheep, chickens and even some melons growing

There is an Abandoned Mineshaft nearby at coordinates (32,~,32). There is also a Lush Caves biome underground at coordinates (16,8,20) where you will find some axolotls as well as a few bats flying around.

Axolotl Seeds for Minecraft Java Edition 1.18

Axolotl Seed #1

Seed: 521873

This Minecraft seed spawns you in the middle of a Swamp biome with oak trees covered in vines. If you are looking for slimes, just wait until night and watch them spawn in the Swamp.

If you travel West to coordinates (-100,13,50), you will find a Lush Caves biome underground with axolotls swimming in the water. But be careful, there are also a few zombies roaming around the caves too.

Axolotl Seed #2

Seed: 4014

This Minecraft seed spawns you in the middle of a large Jungle biome with ocelots wandering around and a few parrots. If you travel to the East, you can find a Jungle Template at coordinates (240,75,16).

Undergound below you, there are also a few Lush Caves biomes, with one of the larger ones found at coordinates (24,77,64). In these Lush Caves, you will not only find axolotls and bats, but there are endermen and creepers too.

Axolotl Seed #3

Seed: 125

This MInecraft seed spawns you in the middle of a Bamboo Jungle on an island where you might find a panda. If you travel to the other side of the island, you can find a Sparse Jungle with lots of pigs, sheep, chickens and even some melons growing

There is an Abandoned Mineshaft nearby at coordinates (32,~,32). There is also a Lush Caves biome underground at coordinates (16,8,20) where you will find some axolotls as well as a few bats flying around.

Other Axolotl Seeds

Axolotl Seeds (Bedrock Edition)

Other Java Edition Seeds

Check out these other interesting seeds for Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac):

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