Minecraft Bee Seeds for Java Edition (PC/Mac)

Use one of these Minecraft Bee seeds to create a world where you spawn in a biome with bees in Java Edition 1.19 or 1.18.

In Minecraft, the bee is a type of mob that spawns bees can be found in the Plains, Flower Forest, Birch Forest, Sunflower Plains and Meadow biomes. Bees can be found flying around flowers and gathering pollen.

Here are some Bee seeds for Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac):

Bee Seeds for Minecraft Java Edition 1.19

Bee Seed #1

Seed: 102

This Minecraft seed spawns you in a Forest biome with bees flying around and a bee nest. There is also a lava fall on the side of the hill.

The Deep Dark biome can be found underground at coordinates (-45,-45,-112) with the Ancient City at coordinates (128,-34,-240) where you can find the Warden.

If you go North, you will find a Meadow sprinkled with cornflowers and dandelions. And if you travel even further North, you will find a Snowy Taiga woth lots of snow-covered spruce trees.

Bee Seed #2

Seed: 4009

This Minecraft seed spawns you in a Flower Forest with bees flying around. Underground, you can find a Deep Dark biome at coordinates (77,-42,-40) and an Ancient City at coordinates (112,-35,-176) guarded by the Warden.

If you travel South, you will find a Plains biome with a Pillager Outpost at coordinates (0,87,112). Continue traveling past the Outpost to find a large Plains village at coordinates (90,70,300). This village is unique because part of it is on the mountain-side and the other part is in the water. Look for cats on the mountain-side part of the village.

Bee Seed #3

Seed: 9066

This Minecraft seed spawns you in a Plains biome with sheep, horses and bees. Directly to the East is a Sunflower Plains biome that is sprinkled with dandelions and tall sunflowers.

If you travel across the River, you can find a Flower Forest filled with oak trees, birch trees, and so many beautiful flowers.

Bee Seeds for Minecraft Java Edition 1.18

Bee Seed #1

Seed: 102

This Minecraft seed spawns you in a Forest biome with bees flying around and a bee nest. There is also a lava fall on the side of the hill.

The Deep Dark biome can be found underground at coordinates (-45,-45,-112) with the Ancient City at coordinates (128,-34,-240) where you can find the Warden.

If you go North, you will find a Meadow sprinkled with cornflowers and dandelions. And if you travel even further North, you will find a Snowy Taiga woth lots of snow-covered spruce trees.

Bee Seed #2

Seed: 4009

This Minecraft seed spawns you in a Flower Forest with bees flying around. Underground, you can find a Deep Dark biome at coordinates (77,-42,-40) and an Ancient City at coordinates (112,-35,-176) guarded by the Warden.

If you travel South, you will find a Plains biome with a Pillager Outpost at coordinates (0,87,112). Continue traveling past the Outpost to find a large Plains village at coordinates (90,70,300). This village is unique because part of it is on the mountain-side and the other part is in the water. Look for cats on the mountain-side part of the village.

Bee Seed #3

Seed: 9066

This Minecraft seed spawns you in a Plains biome with sheep, horses and bees. Directly to the East is a Sunflower Plains biome that is sprinkled with dandelions and tall sunflowers.

If you travel across the River, you can find a Flower Forest filled with oak trees, birch trees, and so many beautiful flowers.

Other Bee Seeds

Bee Seeds (Bedrock Edition)

Other Java Edition Seeds

Check out these other interesting seeds for Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac):

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