Minecraft Buried Treasure Seeds for Java Edition (PC/Mac)

Use one of these Minecraft Buried Treasure seeds to create a world where you spawn near a Buried Treasure in Java Edition 1.19, 1.18 or 1.16.

Here are some Buried Treasure seeds for Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac):

Buried Treasure Seeds for Minecraft Java Edition 1.19

Buried Treasure Seed #1

Seed: 5005

This Minecraft seed spawns you right next to a beautiful Coral Reef in the Warm Ocean biome. Check out the different colors of coral as well as the tropical fish swimming around. In the reef, there is also a Shipwreck at coordinates (-202,48,-606).

If you like to dig for treasure, you can also find a Buried Treasure underwater at coordinates (-183,53,-823).

Buried Treasure Seed #2

Seed: 12875

This Minecraft seed spawns you on the edge of a Forest and a Beach biome with sugar canes growing near the edge of the water. Only a few blocks away, you will find a Buried Treasure at coordinates (-7,66,25).

If you travel South, you will cross a River and finally find an Ocean where there is Ruined Portal submerged under water at coordinates (64,59,128).

Buried Treasure Seeds for Minecraft Java Edition 1.18

Buried Treasure Seed #1

Seed: 5005

This Minecraft seed spawns you right next to a beautiful Coral Reef in the Warm Ocean biome. Check out the different colors of coral as well as the tropical fish swimming around. In the reef, there is also a Shipwreck at coordinates (-202,48,-606).

If you like to dig for treasure, you can also find a Buried Treasure underwater at coordinates (-183,53,-823).

Buried Treasure Seed #2

Seed: 12947

This Minecraft seed spawns you on a Plains island with lots of sheep and cows. You can also find Buried Treasure nearby at coordinates (64,~,-32).

If you travel to the South, there is a deep cavern at coordinates (67,65,188) that you can explore with coal ore and copper ore visible on the edges.

If you travel to the West, you will pass by a Beach and to find a Shipwreck in the Ocean biome.

Buried Treasure Seed #3

Seed: 12875

This Minecraft seed spawns you on the edge of a Forest and a Beach biome with sugar canes growing near the edge of the water. Only a few blocks away, you will find a Buried Treasure at coordinates (-7,66,25).

If you travel South, you will cross a River and finally find an Ocean where there is Ruined Portal submerged under water at coordinates (64,59,128).

Buried Treasure Seeds for Minecraft Java Edition 1.16

Buried Treasure Seed #1

Seed: 300032

This Minecraft seed spawns you in a Beach biome along the Deep Ocean and Deep Cold Ocean biomes. If you travel South, you can find turtles and cod swimming in the water.

Travel North to the next island to find a Buried Treasure that is deep underwater at coordinates (-23,41,-119).

Other Buried Treasure Seeds

Buried Treasure Seeds (Bedrock Edition)

Other Java Edition Seeds

Check out these other interesting seeds for Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac):

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