Minecraft Cat Seeds for Java Edition (PC/Mac)

Use one of these Minecraft Cat seeds to create a world where you spawn in a biome with cats in Java Edition 1.19, 1.18 or 1.16.

In Minecraft, the cat is a type of mob that you will find either wandering around in villages or you can find a black cat in a Witch Hut when your world is first generated. A cat can be a great companion in the game and can be tamed into a pet.

Here are some Cat seeds for Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac):

Cat Seeds for Minecraft Java Edition 1.19

Cat Seed #1

Seed: 191

This Minecraft seed spawns you in a Mangrove Swamp biome on top of some Mangrove trees. Be ready to wear your boots as you trudge through the mud looking for Warm Frogs.

If you travel to the South, you can find a Savanna biome with a village at coordinates (-119,70,242). In the village, there is an iron golem, cows, and a few stray cats wandering around.

Cat Seed #2

Seed: 96351635

This Minecraft seed spawns you in a Forest biome. If you travel South, you can find a Swamp biome with temperate frogs. There is also a Witch Hut in the Swamp at coordinates (63,64,224) with a witch and black cat inside.

If you travel North, you can find the Windswept Hills and the Windswept Gravelly Hills with a large cavern to explore at coordinates (66,88,-121).

Cat Seed #3

Seed: 4009

This Minecraft seed spawns you in a Flower Forest with bees flying around. Underground, you can find a Deep Dark biome at coordinates (77,-42,-40) and an Ancient City at coordinates (112,-35,-176) guarded by the Warden.

If you travel South, you will find a Plains biome with a Pillager Outpost at coordinates (0,87,112). Continue traveling past the Outpost to find a large Plains village at coordinates (90,70,300). This village is unique because part of it is on the mountain-side and the other part is in the water. Look for cats on the mountain-side part of the village.

Cat Seeds for Minecraft Java Edition 1.18

Cat Seed #1

Seed: 96351635

This Minecraft seed spawns you in a Forest biome. If you travel South, you can find a Swamp biome where there is a Witch Hut at coordinates (63,64,224) with a witch and black cat inside.

If you travel North, you can find the Windswept Hills and the Windswept Gravelly Hills with a large cavern to explore at coordinates (66,88,-121).

Cat Seed #2

Seed: 1738801

This Minecraft seed spawns you in a Desert biome next to a large cavern to explore. If you travel South to coordinates (16,64,352), you will find a Desert village with a Desert pyramid right in the center of the village. West of the village, there is also a Coral Reef in the Warm Ocean biome.

If you travel East, you can find the Eroded Badlands biome with its large, colorful spikes made out of different colors of terracotta.

Cat Seed #3

Seed: 4009

This Minecraft seed spawns you in a Flower Forest with bees flying around the beautiful flowers and a few pigs wandering around.

If you travel South, you will find a Plains biome with a Pillager Outpost at coordinates (0,87,112). Continue traveling past the Outpost to find a large Plains village at coordinates (90,70,300). This village is unique because part of it is on the mountain-side and the other part is in the water. Look for cats on the mountain-side part of the village.

Cat Seed #4

Seed: 9705

This Minecraft seed spawns you in a Desert biome. If you travel West across the Wooded Badlands, you can find a Desert village with an Iron Golem and some cats wandering around.

If you travel to the East to the other side of the River, you can find a Ruined Portal. Just past that, you can find a Stony Shore biome with a Coral Reef right next to it in the Warm Ocean biome.

Cat Seeds for Minecraft Java Edition 1.16

Cat Seed #1

Seed: 45343

This Minecraft seed spawns you in the center of a Sunflower Plains biome that is covered in sunflowers. There are also a couple of cows wandering around.

Directly to the West, you will find a Plains village with plenty of vegetable gardens and villagers to trade with (as well as a few stray cats running around).

Cat Seed #2

Seed: 32543

This Minecraft seed spawns you next to a Swamp biome. If you travel to the North, you will first see a donkey and then a Plains Village to explore.

Continue to travel North past the Village to find a Witch Hut at coordinates (55,65,67). This Witch Hut naturally generated in the world with a Witch and a Black Cat inside. So go quickly if you still want to find them there.

Wait for night and go slime hunting in the Swamp biome.

Other Cat Seeds

Cat Seeds (Bedrock Edition)

Other Java Edition Seeds

Check out these other interesting seeds for Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac):

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