Controllable Cannons Addon (1.19, 1.18) is for anyone that thinks Minecraft could use some serious military hardware. In other words, this pack is for everyone! Who doesn’t love rocket launchers, cannons, landmines and miniguns..? What about laser weapons? Is it Christmas already? Well, maybe the mobs won’t love them, but YOU sure will. And that’s the main thing. You can get these bad, bad boys from your local weaponsmith. Neat, hey. Level the trader all the way up and the final top-of-the-range trade will be an enchanted axe. Nice! Boring! Not that nice! How about landmines or miniguns? You betcha. Just make sure you bring your emeralds blocks.


Controllable Cannon:

Once you have the spawn egg, place it down, and hop aboard the same as if you were hopping on a horse. Once on, look where you want to shoot (don’t forget to aim a bit higher to account for gravity) and interact with the cannon. This means right-click if you’re on PC or click the “Shoot” button if you’re on mobile.

Defend your villages against… anything.

Like some other weapons, they will drop their spawn egg if the player destroys them. If they are destroyed by anything other than players, they do not drop. This has led to heartbreak; you have been warned.

Repair with iron ingots, nuggets, or redstone.

Laser Cannon:

Slowest of the laser weapons but shooting the most powerful bolts, we have the Laser Canon.

Buy these from your friendly weaponsmith, like this guy:

Not all weaponsmiths sell Laser Canons, it will be a top level trade so if a master weaponsmith doesn’t sell one, find another!

Once placed down it will charge up and automatically shoot nearby monsters. When it comes time to pack it up, just hit it until it dies. If a player kills it it will drop a spawn egg. However if a monsters kills it, no spawn egg and you’ll have to buy another. Life’s just not fair sometimes.

Laser Miniguns:

Just like a regular minigun only zappy. Place them down anywhere you need some automated defence. They are fully automatic and fire very quickly. They do take a few seconds to ‘warm up’ so bear that in mind if the enemy is uncomfortably close. Like other laser weapons, they will drop their spawn egg if the player destroys them. If they are destroyed by monsters, they do not drop. Care for those guns!

As with all ordnance in this pack, obtain from your friendly local weaponsmith. Look after that guy.

Time Bombs:

Fun times are here! Get these from your local weaponsmith, as usual. Only an Expert-level trade (level 4) so a bit easier to obtain than the guns. But so much more fun. Place one down, interact to trigger, and run for it.

WARNING: This will leave a big hole wherever it detonates. A really, really big hole. Maybe with some lag, so be careful out there.

Steve is going to visit his spawn point in seven seconds.

If you accidentally trigger it in the wrong location you can destroy it and it should drop its spawn egg. Phew.

Laser Guns:

Fairly underpowered compared to the various other turret weapons, they are also cheaper (and more fun!). And they might even set their targets on fire. As with other laser weapons they will drop their spawn egg if the player destroys them. If they are destroyed by monsters, they do not drop.

Not too sure if these even exist in real life! But who cares, we’re not here for reality. These will go straight through a line of monsters, you just need an orderly line of monsters and these rocket launchers will take it from there. Cooperation, people.

  • Buy them from your friendly weaponsmith. Unfriendly weaponsmiths probably sell them also.
  • They don’t break blocks (it’s a kind of magic).
  • They drop their spawn egg when destroyed.

Rocket Launchers (normal blowy-up ones):

Place these things down and, just like the minigun, it will target any monster. Unlike the minigun it will replace the monster with a very large hole in the ground. Use with CAUTION.

Also available from your local weaponsmith. Slightly cheaper and tougher than a minigun but quite destructive, so will wreck the landscape quite a bit. When they’re destroyed you can pick them up and place them back down. So, not all that ‘destroyed’ when you think about….


Block Breakers (red light):

Place them down, and you have five seconds to get out of the trigger-zone. After that, if anything comes within a few blocks, there’ll be a boom. And that anything might be gone. As well as a good chunk of land. For reference, they do about the same damage as a charged creeper… Ummm, maybe don’t place them near your base.

Craftting Recipe:

Non-block Breakers (yellow light):

As for the above, but no breaking of blocks. Consider them your personal anti-personnel mines. Cheaper and easier to trade for.

Craftting Recipe:


These are all sorts of nasty. Place one down and it’ll shoot any monster. Many times. Not a whole lot of hit points but you can repair them with iron and when they break you can just pick them up and place them down again. Now available in a range of colors to match any decor.


How to install:

How To Install Mod / Addon on Minecraft PE

How To Install Texture Packs on Minecraft PE

How To Install Map on Minecraft PE

Controllable Cannons Addon (1.19, 1.18) Download Links

For MCPE/Bedrock Edition 1.19, 1.18

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