Minecraft Desert Seeds for Java Edition (PC/Mac)

Use one of these Minecraft Desert seeds to create a world where you spawn in a Desert biome in Java Edition 1.18 or 1.16.

In Minecraft, the Desert biome is a very dry area that is made up of sand, cacti, and dead bushes. Along the sides of the rivers, you can sometimes find sugar canes growing. In rare instances, you can find pyramids and Desert villages.


Desert Village

Here are some Desert seeds for Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac):

Desert Seeds for Minecraft Java Edition 1.18

Desert Seed #1

Seed: 1738801

This Minecraft seed spawns you in a Desert biome next to a large cavern to explore. If you travel South to coordinates (16,64,352), you will find a Desert village with a Desert pyramid right in the center of the village. West of the village, there is also a Coral Reef in the Warm Ocean biome.

If you travel East, you can find the Eroded Badlands biome with its large, colorful spikes made out of different colors of terracotta.

Desert Seed #2

Seed: 9705

This Minecraft seed spawns you in a Desert biome. If you travel West across the Wooded Badlands, you can find a Desert village with an Iron Golem and some cats wandering around.

If you travel to the East to the other side of the River, you can find a Ruined Portal. Just past that, you can find a Stony Shore biome with a Coral Reef right next to it in the Warm Ocean biome.

Desert Seed #3

Seed: 13579

This Minecraft seed spawns you in the middle of a Desert biome. Almost directly below you is a Dungeon at coordinates (-110,6,41) that has a skeleton spawner and 2 chests to loot.

If you travel to the West, you will find a Mesa biome with lots of different colors of terracotta to mine.

Desert Seeds for Minecraft Java Edition 1.16

Desert Seed #1

Seed: 120

This Minecraft seed spawns you on the edge of a Desert biome. There is a Ruined Portal nearby to the East at coordinates (208,72,48) which you can see as the red area in this picture.

If you travel to the South, you can find a Plains Village at coordinates (144,70,234). If you travel to the North, you can find a herd of horses.

Desert Seed #2

Seed: 6435

This Minecraft seed spawns you on the edge of a Forest biome, right next to the Desert. If you travel East, you can find the Windswept Hills biome with mountains and there are some pumpkins growing on the edge of the Forest.

To the West is a Dark Forest with large red mushrooms towering through the dark oak trees.

Desert Seed #3

Seed: 200097

This Minecraft seed spawns you next to a large Desert biome. If you don’t mind travelling a bit, you can find a Pyramid at coordinates (32,65,-384).

You can also find a Desert Village at coordinates (288,63,-382) where there is an Iron Golem guarding the village.

Other Desert Seeds

Desert Seeds (Bedrock Edition)

Other Java Edition Seeds

Check out these other interesting seeds for Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac):

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