Infinite Creeper Maze Map
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September 6, 2016
About Infinite Creeper Maze Map
Infinite Creeper Maze is a game map for minecraft. You must make your way through different rooms to find the exit. Each room will spawn mobs inside of it, to stop you from reaching the finish. The doors will be locked, so you must kill them all in order to progress, they will also drop loot when killed.
Play on at least easy mode, or the mobs won’t spawn. This map can be played on multi-player, as either a co-op or pvp.
Infinite Creeper Maze Map Screenshots:
alot of rooms…
just taking pics for logo
fighting action!
There are Three ways to play!
Single Player
- Go through each room to find the exit
- Defeat all mobs before continuing to next room
- You may break open doors using pickaxes
- Defeat the *******?
- And the usual rules (No hacks, No breaking blocks, blah, blah, blah)
- You may retrive the items you lost after you die
- Die as my times as you want
- Are you out of peaceful?
Multiplayer (co-op)
- Go through each room to find the exit together
- Defeat all mobs before continuing to next room
- You may enter the room together or separate
- You may share items
- You may break open doors using pickaxes
- Defeat the ******* together?
- And the usual rules (No hacks, No breaking blocks, blah, blah, blah)
- Die as many times as you want
- Is your server out of peaceful?
- Are you out of creative?
- No commands!
Multiplayer (pvp)
- Go through each room to be the first to find the exit
- Defeat all mobs before continuing to next room
- You may break open doors using pickaxes
- Defeat the *******?
- And the usual rules (No hacks, No breaking blocks, blah, blah, blah)
- You may kill each other for items
- Die as many times as you want
- Is your server out of peaceful?
- Are you out of creative?
- No commands!
Download links for Infinite Creeper Maze Map:
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