Jeremy3463’s Earth Mobs Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) is a captivating modification that introduces a variety of earth-themed creatures to the Minecraft universe. From terrestrial beings to mythical entities, this mod populates the game with an assortment of mobs that add a new layer of life and complexity to the in-game ecosystems. Immerse yourself in the wonders of the earth with creatures inspired by nature and folklore.


  • Diverse Earth Mobs: The mod introduces a diverse array of earth-themed mobs, each with unique characteristics, behaviors, and appearances. Encounter creatures inspired by real-world animals, mythical beings, and fantastic hybrids that bring the Minecraft world to life.
  • Interactive Behaviors: Jeremy3463’s Earth Mobs Mod goes beyond static mobs by incorporating interactive behaviors. Experience mobs with dynamic movement patterns, unique attacks, and responsive interactions that create a more engaging and immersive gameplay experience.
  • Biome-Specific Spawning: Mobs in this mod are not randomly scattered throughout the world. Instead, they spawn in specific biomes, aligning with the natural habitats one would expect for these earth-inspired creatures. Explore different biomes to discover the rich diversity of mobs that inhabit each region.
  • Custom Drops and Rewards: Defeating these earth mobs yields custom drops and rewards. From valuable resources to unique items, players are incentivized to engage with and overcome the challenges posed by the diverse creatures roaming the Minecraft landscape.


  • /earthmobs spawn [mob] [amount] [player]: Administer the spawn command to introduce a specific earth mob into the game. Customize the type, quantity, and assign ownership to spawn mobs for unique encounters or events.
  • /earthmobs list: Display a comprehensive list of all the earth mobs added by the mod. This command serves as a useful reference for players and administrators seeking information about the diverse creatures populating their Minecraft world.
  • /earthmobs reset [player]: Reset a player’s interaction progress with earth mobs, allowing them to experience fresh encounters and challenges. Ideal for server administrators managing player progression or troubleshooting issues.


  • earthmobs.spawn: Allows players to use the /earthmobs spawn command, enabling them to introduce specific earth mobs into the game.
  • earthmobs.list: Grants permission to access the /earthmobs list command, providing information about all earth mobs added by the mod.
  • earthmobs.reset: Enables players to use the /earthmobs reset command, facilitating the resetting of interaction progress with earth mobs.


Minecraft Forge

Earth Mobs Mod

Earthruby Expansion

MC Earth Mobs

How to install:

How To Download & Install Mods with Minecraft Forge

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Jeremy3463’s Earth Mobs Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) Download Links

For Minecraft 1.18.2

Forge version: Download from Server 1

For Minecraft 1.19.2

Forge version: Download from Server 1

For Minecraft 1.19.4

Forge version: Download from Server 1

For Minecraft 1.20.1

Forge version: Download from Server 1

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