Minecraft Jungle Seeds for Java Edition (PC/Mac)

Use one of these Minecraft Jungle seeds to create a world where you spawn in a Jungle biome in Java Edition 1.19, 1.18 or 1.16.

In Minecraft, the Jungle biome is known for its extremely tall Jungle trees, vegetation, and wildlife. This is the only biome where you can find ocelots. In rare instances, you might find Jungle temples.

Jungle Temple

Here are some Jungle seeds for Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac):

Jungle Seeds for Minecraft Java Edition 1.19

Jungle Seed #1

Seed: 3903589

This Minecraft seed spawns you in a small Jungle biome. If you travel East across the island to coordinates (87,63,-255), you will find a Ruined Portal submerged in water with some turtles swimming around it.

If you travel to the South across the Lukewarm Ocean, you can find a rare Mushroom Island with mooshrooms. And right next to the Mushroom Island is a Warm Ocean biome with a Coral Reef.

Jungle Seed #2

Seed: 4014

This Minecraft seed spawns you in the middle of a large Jungle biome with ocelots wandering around and a few parrots. If you travel to the East, you can find a Jungle Template at coordinates (240,75,16).

Undergound below you, there are also a few Lush Caves biomes, with one of the larger ones found at coordinates (24,77,64). In these Lush Caves, you will not only find axolotls and bats, but there are endermen and creepers too.

Jungle Seeds for Minecraft Java Edition 1.18

Jungle Seed #1

Seed: 3903589

This Minecraft seed spawns you in a small Jungle biome. If you travel East across the island to coordinates (87,63,-255), you will find a Ruined Portal submerged in water with some turtles swimming around it.

If you travel to the South across the Lukewarm Ocean, you can find a rare Mushroom Island with mooshrooms. And right next to the Mushroom Island is a Warm Ocean biome with a Coral Reef.

Jungle Seed #2

Seed: 4014

This Minecraft seed spawns you in the middle of a large Jungle biome with ocelots wandering around and a few parrots. If you travel to the East, you can find a Jungle Template at coordinates (240,75,16).

Undergound below you, there are also a few Lush Caves biomes, with one of the larger ones found at coordinates (24,77,64). In these Lush Caves, you will not only find axolotls and bats, but there are endermen and creepers too.

Jungle Seeds for Minecraft Java Edition 1.16

Jungle Seed #1

Seed: 9067

This Minecraft seed spawns you in the middle of a Jungle Hills biome next to a larger Jungle biome.

There is a series of tunnels directly below you filled with creepers, skeletons and spiders. There is also an Abandoned Mineshaft not too far away at coordinates (-16,~,-96).

Jungle Seed #2

Seed: 2394

This Minecraft seed spawns you in a Jungle biome near the edge where you can find the Sparse Jungle biome. Close by, you will find see cocoa beans growing on the jungle trees and you will hear the sound of a parrot.

If you travel to the East, you will find the Savanna biome with lots of wildlife such as sheep, cows and pigs. At the tops of the hills in the Savanna is the Savanna Plateau.

Jungle Seed #3

Seed: 1000

This Minecraft seed spawns you in a Jungle biome right next to the Bamboo Jungle. Explore the Jungle to find parrots and cocoa beans. At coordinates (16,72,272), you can also find a Jungle Temple.

Travel to the nearby Bamboo Jungle to gather bamboo and look for pandas.

Jungle Seed #4

Seed: 300043

This Minecraft seed spawns you in a lush Jungle biome filled with lots of parrots. You can also easily find cocoa beans growing on these large Jungle trees.

If you travel to the East, you can find a Savanna biome and a Bamboo Jungle to explore.

Jungle Seed #5

Seed: 102

This Minecraft seed spawns you in the middle of a large Jungle biome with lots of Jungle trees, pools of water, and oak leaves as ground cover.

If you travel to the West, you will find a Bamboo Jungle biome nearby with pandas.

Other Jungle Seeds

Jungle Seeds (Bedrock Edition)

Other Java Edition Seeds

Check out these other interesting seeds for Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac):

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