Minecraft Llama Seeds for Java Edition (PC/Mac)

Use one of these Minecraft Llama seeds to create a world where you spawn in a biome with llamas in Java Edition 1.19, 1.18 or 1.16.

In Minecraft, the llama is a type of mob that spawns in the Windswept Hills, Windswept Forest, Windswept Gravelly Hills and Savanna biomes. Llamas can be decorated with carpet and be equipped with a chest that you can put items in.

Here are some Llama seeds for Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac):

Llama Seeds for Minecraft Java Edition 1.19

Llama Seed #1

Seed: 1731

This Minecraft seed spawns you in a large Savanna biome with acacia trees, sheep, cows and llamas wandering around.

If you travel SW, you can find an entrance to a large cavern/cave at coordinates (-41,65,52). Within this cave system, there are large waterfalls, lava falls and lava lakes. You can even find a Dripstone Caves biome at coordinates (-114,-6,-163).

Llama Seeds for Minecraft Java Edition 1.18

Seed: 1731

This Minecraft seed spawns you in a large Savanna biome with acacia trees, sheep, cows and llamas wandering around.

If you travel SW, you can find an entrance to a large cavern/cave at coordinates (-41,65,52). Within this cave system, there are large waterfalls, lava falls and lava lakes. You can even find a Dripstone Caves biome at coordinates (-114,-6,-163).

Llama Seeds for Minecraft Java Edition 1.16

Seed: 4006

This Minecraft seed spawns you in the middle of a Dark Forest biome filled with dark oak trees and large mushrooms. If you travel to the South, there is a Plains Village and a second Dark Forest biome on the other side of the Village.

Off to the West is a Windswept Hills biome with mountains and at least one llama at coordinates (-54,83,-30).

Other Llama Seeds

Llama Seeds (Bedrock Edition)

Other Java Edition Seeds

Check out these other interesting seeds for Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac):

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