Project Bloomingdale is a city map that was developed by EVSH777. The map is built entirely by hand and on-site (i.e. no importing schematics) – even the trees are hand-built! It was inspired by the small-town culture in North America. The map features unique, fully-detailed interiors and colorful exteriors that contrast with a dark and bloody tone of lore that portrays societal conflicts like human trafficking, murder, child-dealt drugs, political corruption, and complacency. The map is extremely fun to explore, so here is a list of builds/easter eggs to look out for: The Belladonna Estate, a perfect crime, and the Northside Mafia meeting ground
Project Bloomingdale Map Thumbnail


Project Bloomingdale Map Screenshots (1)

Project Bloomingdale Map Screenshots (2)

Project Bloomingdale Map Screenshots (3)

Project Bloomingdale Map Screenshots (4)

Project Bloomingdale Map Screenshots (5)

Project Bloomingdale Map Screenshots (6)

Project Bloomingdale Map Screenshots (7)

Project Bloomingdale Map Screenshots (8)

Project Bloomingdale Map Screenshots (9)

Project Bloomingdale Map Screenshots (10)

Project Bloomingdale Map Screenshots (11)

  • Please do not play on any other version or it may not work!
  • You should set Render Distance to 12 or upper.

How to install:

  1. Please visit the following link for full instructions: How To Download & Install Minecraft Maps

Our rating:

Project Bloomingdale Map Download Links

For Minecraft 1.14.x

Download from Server 1

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