Redstone Wires Resource Pack 1.12.2, 1.11.2 for Minecraft is one of its kind, created especially for the purpose of enhancing the Redstone mechanic of the game. Not only does it helps to ease the eyes for all the Minecrafters with a massive love to the creativity of Redstone, it also gives the pixel mess that is Redstone a new look, while adapting the rest of the Redstone blocks and items to this new aesthetic along with simple tweaks and changes. Thanks to Redstone Wires, many of the new textures are animated, and have a little steampunky look!. Comes with many features for all the different type of Redstone related blocks, guarantees to give you a new experience for a whole another aspect of the game “Redstone”. If you have never gotten into building an automatic door, secret dungeon, it might be the time to do it with “Redstone Wires” as your guide. The Pack works only with Optifine and comes with a resolution of 16x.

Redstone Wires Resource Pack


Redstone Wires Resource Pack Screenshots 1

Redstone Wires Resource Pack Screenshots 2

How to install:

Redstone Wires Resource Pack 1.12.2, 1.11.2 Download Links

for Minecraft 1.12.2, 1.11.2

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