Minecraft Sunflower Plains Seeds for Java Edition (PC/Mac)

Use one of these Minecraft Sunflower Plains seeds to create a world where you spawn in a Sunflower Plains biome in Java Edition 1.19, 1.18 or 1.16.

In Minecraft, the Sunflower Plains is a biome in the Overworld. It is covered in green grass and sprinkled with yellow flowers. There are also a few oak trees. This is one of the biomes where you can find bees.

Here are some Sunflower Plains seeds for Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac):

Sunflower Plains Seeds for Minecraft Java Edition 1.19

Sunflower Plains Seed #1

Seed: 9066

This Minecraft seed spawns you in a Plains biome with sheep, horses and bees. Directly to the East is a Sunflower Plains biome that is sprinkled with dandelions and tall sunflowers.

If you travel across the River, you can find a Flower Forest filled with oak trees, birch trees, and so many beautiful flowers.

Sunflower Plains Seeds for Minecraft Java Edition 1.18

Sunflower Plains Seed #1

Seed: 9066

This Minecraft seed spawns you in a Plains biome with sheep, horses and bees. Directly to the East is a Sunflower Plains biome that is sprinkled with dandelions and tall sunflowers.

If you travel across the River, you can find a Flower Forest filled with oak trees, birch trees, and so many beautiful flowers.

Sunflower Plains Seeds for Minecraft Java Edition 1.16

Sunflower Plains Seed #1

Seed: 45343

This Minecraft seed spawns you in the center of a Sunflower Plains biome that is covered in sunflowers. There are also a couple of cows wandering around.

Directly to the West, you will find a Plains village with plenty of vegetable gardens and villagers to trade with (as well as a few stray cats running around).

Other Sunflower Plains Seeds

Sunflower Plains Seeds (Bedrock Edition)

Other Java Edition Seeds

Check out these other interesting seeds for Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac):

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