The Missing Slabs Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.2) is a game-changing addition to the Minecraft experience that addresses a common frustration among builders – the lack of slab variants for certain blocks. Developed by dedicated modders, this mod introduces a variety of new slab options that were previously missing from the game. With The Missing Slabs mod, you’ll have access to a broader range of building materials, enabling you to create even more intricate and detailed structures in your Minecraft world.


  • Expanded Building Options: The core feature of The Missing Slabs mod is the introduction of new slab variants for blocks that were previously limited in terms of building options. Enjoy greater creative freedom as you incorporate these new slabs into your structures, creating unique designs that were previously not possible.
  • Visual Consistency: With The Missing Slabs mod, you can achieve greater visual consistency and detail in your builds. Say goodbye to awkward transitions between different block types and enjoy smoother and more refined structures.
  • Enhanced Aesthetics: Whether you’re constructing grand castles, cozy cottages, or modern skyscrapers, the added slab variants allow you to fine-tune the aesthetic appeal of your builds. Experiment with different combinations to achieve the desired look and feel.
  • Functional Diversity: The new slab options not only enhance the appearance of your structures but also provide functional benefits. Use them to create staircases, pathways, roofs, and intricate detailing that adds character to your builds.
  • Comprehensive Selection: The mod aims to address a wide array of missing slab types, covering various blocks from different biomes and materials. This comprehensive selection ensures that you’ll find the missing slabs you need to complete your projects.



Fabric Modloader

Fabric API

Quilt Installer

How to install:

How To Download & Install Mods with Minecraft Forge

How To Download & Install Fabric Mods

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The Missing Slabs Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.2) Download Links

For Minecraft 1.18.2

Fabric version: Download from Server 1

For Minecraft 1.19.2

Quilt/Fabric version: Download from Server 1

For Minecraft 1.20.1, 1.20

Quilt/Fabric version: Download from Server 1

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