Thingamajigs Mod (1.20.4, 1.19.4) is a feature-rich addition to Minecraft that introduces a plethora of new gadgets, gizmos, and contraptions. Developed by a passionate community of modders, this mod expands the game’s possibilities by offering players a wide range of tools and devices to experiment with in their worlds.


  • New Gadgets and Contraptions: Thingamajigs Mod adds an array of innovative gadgets and contraptions to Minecraft, ranging from simple utility items to complex machinery. Players can discover and craft various devices, each serving a unique purpose and adding depth to gameplay.
  • Enhanced Automation: With Thingamajigs Mod, players can automate tasks and processes in their Minecraft worlds more efficiently. From automatic farms to sorting systems, the mod introduces tools that streamline resource gathering and management.
  • Creative Building Components: The mod includes a selection of creative building components, such as dynamic lights, moving platforms, and customizable blocks. These elements allow players to add dynamic and interactive elements to their builds, enhancing immersion and visual appeal.
  • Redstone Integration: Thingamajigs Mod seamlessly integrates with Minecraft’s redstone system, allowing players to create complex contraptions and mechanisms with ease. Whether you’re building a hidden door or a piston-powered machine, the mod provides the tools needed to bring your redstone creations to life.


  • /thingamajigs: This command serves as the primary interface for accessing and managing the mod’s features. Players can use it to craft gadgets, configure settings, and interact with devices in the game world.
  • /thingamajigs give [player]: Server administrators or players with appropriate permissions can use this command to give Thingamajigs items to themselves or other players.
  • Permissions: Server administrators can configure permissions using plugins like LuckPerms or PermissionsEx to control access to Thingamajigs Mod features and commands.



How to install:

How To Download & Install Mods with Minecraft Forge

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Thingamajigs Mod (1.20.4, 1.19.4) Download Links

For Minecraft  1.18.2

Forge version: Download from Server 1

For Minecraft  1.19.2

Forge version: Download from Server 1

For Minecraft  1.19.4

Forge version: Download from Server 1

For Minecraft  1.20.1

Forge version: Download from Server 1

For Minecraft  1.20.4

NeoForge version: Download from Server 1

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